EvalAI and gitlab

host evalai fully internally (UI and code)

July 29, 2022

source of inspiration

Deploy evalai docker images by copying from another PC

Host challenge using github

Run docker from wsl

cd ~/evalai
docker-compose up

In case of errors:

  • ERROR: for nodejs UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. Restart docker service and rerun evalai: sudo service docker restart

Host challenge using gitlab

Create EvalAI-Starters project in gitlab

This project is hosted at github

Create a blank project at gitlab

#from a WSL image
git clone https://github.com/Cloud-CV/EvalAI-Starters.git
cd EvalAI-Starters
git remote rename origin origin-github
git remote add origin-gitlab git@gitlab.michelin.com:janus/EvalAI-Starters.git
git push -u origin-gitlab --all
git push -u origin-gitlab --tags

Create challenge using gitlab

  1. create a repo test_evalaifor challenge by importing from github

Create new project > Create from template > Sample GitLab Project > Use template

from github: clone evalai-starters

from gitlab: create new project > import project > GitHub > integrate token >

select EvalAI-Starters and named it janus/ test_evalai


go to project

  1. create project access token

repo test_evalai > settings > Access Tokens

Token name : evalai_user_auth_token

Create project access token


  1. setup host configuration

login as host (for the moment: host/password)

go to profile page, get your auth (eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6MTY5MDYyMDYxMywianRpIjoiOWVkOTU2YmU2ZTJkNDNmOWI3Y2M0YTZhOGQ1ODY3ZjIiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyfQ.bO9wp7r17uct4KJbt9hixsOT4nzYAUr-wUZR6PHI0jw)

create a new team Host teams > Create a new team

Team Name: janus

ID is 34

and evalai host url is http://localhost:8888/

  1. setup automated update push

Create a branch with name challenge in the forked repository from the master branch. Note: Only changes in challenge branch will be synchronized with challenge on EvalAI.

Add evalai_user_auth_token and host_team_pk in github/host_config.json.

  1. update challenge details

Read EvalAI challenge creation documentation to know more about how you want to structure your challenge. Once you are ready, start making changes in the yaml file, HTML templates, evaluation script according to your need.

  1. push changes to the challenge

Here I have to move from github actions to gitlab jobs.

Let’s locally clone this repo

git clone git@gitlab.michelin.com:janus/test_evalai.git
cd test_evalai
git branch -a
git checkout challenge
  • Watch First time GitLab & CI/CD. This includes a quick introduction to GitLab, the first steps with CI/CD, building a Go project, running tests, using the CI/CD pipeline editor, detecting secrets and security vulnerabilities and offers more exercises for asynchronous practice.
  • Watch Intro to GitLab CI. This workshop uses the Web IDE to quickly get going with building source code using CI/CD, and run unit tests.

1st step is to try with a very simple .gitlab-ci.yml file. And use pipeline editor from gitlab to edit it.

Some questions or errors:

  • I have been waiting 1 hour for my job to run, and it was simply pending because I had no tags entry and runners on our gitlab catch only tagged CI.
  • How to know which images are available in artifactory? Would like to use one with python pre-installed (with version 3.7.5)

I am stuck when having to deal with github action context calls such as ${{ toJSON(github) }}’